
Update! I know it's been awhile since I last posted but my progress on my book is slowly progressing since I have to edit alot of the chapters still cx But, ayy I'm still here! Just been working on that and my final term of schooling :P 


So, I know it's been awhile since I've posted anything and I'm sorry for that but I am currently editing the first chapter of my book that I've been working on for the past few months. And, I recently have had writers block because of personal matters so I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. But, I probably won't be posting for awhile again since I'll be editing mostly >w>


Another update!!! Project R-034 is coming along quite nicely c: Besides some major editing....that is XDD I'm working on it^^ It would also be very helpful if more people started following me too. Since, I feel like this is rather pointless for me to write sometimes. Some help would go a long ways. But other then that. I think that wraps it up for now. It's like 5:03 AM that I'm writing this X3 oh boy... 


Currently working on a book called Project R-034 that will focus on two main characters. There will be more information on this book when it releases. So sorry for being inactive on updates ;w; Criminal Love is on hold for now. So I can focus on Project R-034, I'm sorry about that! But I hope everyone has a good afternoon/evening/night wherever you may be! :)
          ((P.S. Project R-034 is a backstory))