Rest in Peace to the immeasurable, iconic, legendary Anne Rice, an author of wonderful talent who has inspired myself and others for over forty-years. Mrs. Rice was 80 year old and passed due to complications from a stroke. She leaves behind a sister, Karen, and a son, Christopher, who is also an author.
I am heartbroken and have been crying on and off all morning. Without her, I don't think my love of vampires would have flourished as it did. I don't think I would have the historical knowledge I do. I doubt The Greatest Obsession would have been as it was without her influence...I don't know anything about what I would have been without her, but I am a happier person because of her.
The few times I got to talk to her were some of the most fan-girling and insightful moments of my teenage life. She will 100% be missed.
All my love and condolences,