
Working on Death's Chapter Four at the moment and next would be that next chapter for Mirai. :)


@mylovefromthestar no problem. ♡♡ My pleasure btw. Haha. 
          Oh... I haven't read it yet. So sad. T_T Cause I'm still waiting for it to be shipped. lol Anyway, I'm in team Aspen. Haha. kidding. #teammaxon for the win! I don't like Aspen for America. He doesn't deserve her.


Me too! Mine hasn't been shipped as well. The wait is killing me. I'd probably end up reading spoilers (because people are tweeting about it) before I finally get to hold it and that would just ruin everything. TT.TT
            WHATT? Team Aspen. Oh. Please stay 1000000000 steps away from me. HAHA. Just kidding. Yay #teammaxon C: