
Hey guys, sorry I'm behind on reading, Allergy season hit fast and hard for some reason and my eyes are making me -crazy-. I can barely wear my glassess even, so I'm kinda behind on reading. I'll catch up as I can, please bear with me, I will get back to my reading list!


Hey guys, sorry I'm behind on reading, Allergy season hit fast and hard for some reason and my eyes are making me -crazy-. I can barely wear my glassess even, so I'm kinda behind on reading. I'll catch up as I can, please bear with me, I will get back to my reading list!


OK so today is a day to get stuff done, but I'll try and do some plotting as I go and maybe prep my first new chapter in ages. *cracks knuckles* It'll go up as first draft when I get it done so bear with me folks it'll probably be a bit of a bumpy, poorly punctuated ride, but I'll do my best.  (Faceplants into coffee mug)


Sorry to be really slow again: I'm partly into doing the next chapter, and did a whole bunch of unrelated drawings (Yay!) So might update with some short bits not for Teeth but for fun from my D and D campaign. 
          Otherwise a huge thanks to KananSeraph who dedicated a chapter to me <3 (no one has ever done that before!)  Go read her stuff if you haven't.