Good morning, afternoon, or evening, my kawaii wolf dragons! Just wanted to let you guys know a couple things:
1. I'll be online today and tomorrow, and possibly next Tuesday and Wednesday!
2. In class today, I decided to show a little bit of my goofy side, and I actually got most of my classmates to laugh! It's nice to know I can show my true personality to my classmates!
3. Okay, this is just a story from school today: during my lunch period, I decided to swing by the bathroom (y'know, just in case). Two little girls (elementary school age, my school's a K-12 school) came in, and the one in the stall next to me kept asking, "Who's this in the stall next to me?" Her friend in the stall on the opposite side of her said that it was her (the second girl). This kept going on for about a minute, and eventually I just got uncomfortable, decided I could hold it until I got home, and left the bathroom. I mean, what did it matter to those girls (again, this was in the bathroom) who I am? The only reason I didn't say anything is because they were much younger than me (I'm guessing second grade at most).