
Good morning, afternoon, or evening, my kawaii wolf dragons! I know I've been on a bit of a break (writer's block and lack of ideas), but I'm back! I have a couple of announcements:
          	1. Since I've been super obsessed with Transformers lately, I'm working on an angst mini-series titled "Shattered Sparks: A Journey Through Grief", which focuses on Optimus Prime, Elita One, and Ratchet struggling in the aftermath of the stillbirth of Optimus and Elita's son Astraeus (my OC). The series -which consists of oneshots and digital drawings- will be cross-posted here on Wattpad and my DeviantArt account (my username on there is Heatherthedragonwolf, while my tagline is Heatherthewolfdragonartist).
          	2. It's been brought to my attention that some of my books have been showing up on Neobook. I do not use Neobook, meaning that my works have been used without my knowledge or permission or giving me credit! Now, I don't mind borrowing other people's work (I use other people's artwork all the time for covers), but I ALWAYS make sure to credit them! If you're gonna use someone else's work (whether it be their art, fanfic, or OC), at least credit them! 


Good morning, afternoon, or evening, my kawaii wolf dragons! I know I've been on a bit of a break (writer's block and lack of ideas), but I'm back! I have a couple of announcements:
          1. Since I've been super obsessed with Transformers lately, I'm working on an angst mini-series titled "Shattered Sparks: A Journey Through Grief", which focuses on Optimus Prime, Elita One, and Ratchet struggling in the aftermath of the stillbirth of Optimus and Elita's son Astraeus (my OC). The series -which consists of oneshots and digital drawings- will be cross-posted here on Wattpad and my DeviantArt account (my username on there is Heatherthedragonwolf, while my tagline is Heatherthewolfdragonartist).
          2. It's been brought to my attention that some of my books have been showing up on Neobook. I do not use Neobook, meaning that my works have been used without my knowledge or permission or giving me credit! Now, I don't mind borrowing other people's work (I use other people's artwork all the time for covers), but I ALWAYS make sure to credit them! If you're gonna use someone else's work (whether it be their art, fanfic, or OC), at least credit them! 


Me when my favorite AI program -which has written countless beautiful fanfics for me that are mainly just for me to read- refuses to write one fanfic for me: YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!
          Does anyone get the reference? [Not you, @JediMasterBoltsProdu, I know that you get it ;) ]


@Heatherthehybrid it was said you would write the fanfics! Not leave them in darkness!


this message may be offensive
Okay, my schedule isn't quite as simple as I thought it'd be. I'll likely only be on Wattpad today and Wednesday this week because my mom booked me a couple therapy appointments. It's not like they're 100% helpful, because I can never be honest with my therapists about my main issue: That my mom is a toxic, controlling, narcissistic bitch. For example: last week, I brought up how in the "South Park: Fractured but Whole" video game that it doesn't make sense that Craig and Tweek can be "smitten" (aka immobilized) by the girls in that one boss battle because both Craig and Tweek are canonically gay. I had this same discussion with my younger brother, but when I brought this up to my mom, she ranted that how I shouldn't talk about it to my brother because it's "inappropriate" and that makes me "a pedophile" and how I'll probably end up "living under a bridge". I mean, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MOM?! With her, nearly everything is my fault, and she criticizes me over the littlest things. I mean, I love her, but my God, she's so toxic. I don't blame my dad for leaving her. Hell, I bet he would've left her even if she hadn't cheated on him.


@Heatherthehybrid sounds like your mom has fallen to the Dark Side of the Force... I'm so sorry to hear this. There are so many unfortunate souls that have these sorts of parents, I hope she has a redemptive arc but in the mean time...survive


@Ppambora thanks for the comfort, I appreciate it <3


I’m so sorry that happened to you 


Be honest, my kawaii wolf dragons: Do any of you actually obey those "Do not eat raw batter/dough" warnings of the box/bag of mix when you're baking? I mean, almost every time I make cookies/cake/brownies/basically any baked dessert, I end up licking the bowl and the spoon.


Since I'm not going to be on Wattpad tomorrow or the day after (it's December 23rd where I'm at), I just want to take the time to wish all of you kawaii wolf dragons a safe, healthy, and very merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season (whatever you celebrate) and (just on case I'm not on before New Year's) a very happy new year. Thank you all so much for supporting me as a writer throughout 2023, you guys are the best fans I could ask for! (And a special shoutout and lots of love to my lovely cousin @zombielovesjuice and my dear irl friends @JediMasterBoltsProdu , @Ppambora , @Sun_Summoner , and @Spacequeen102) I wish all you kawaii wolf dragons a wonderful rest of 2023 and an even better year in 2024!


Good morning, afternoon or evening, my kawaii wolf dragons! Two days ago was my birthday (only one more year until I can move out of my mom's house) and I'm happy to report that I had an amazing day! I got to see my big sister and her kids, and I taught my nephew how to say the names of characters from my fandoms! (He quickly got the hang of saying "Deku")


Me: Why am I always so tired?
          Also me: Playing video games until 11 last night 


@Heatherthehybrid ahh, can relate, but watching stuff like Star Wars The Clone Wars or Phineas and Ferb 


Same but with reading 


Good morning, afternoon, or evening, my kawaii wolf dragons! Just wanted to let you guys know a couple things:
          1. I'll be online today and tomorrow, and possibly next Tuesday and Wednesday!
          2. In class today, I decided to show a little bit of my goofy side, and I actually got most of my classmates to laugh! It's nice to know I can show my true personality to my classmates!
          3. Okay, this is just a story from school today: during my lunch period, I decided to swing by the bathroom (y'know, just in case). Two little girls (elementary school age, my school's a K-12 school) came in, and the one in the stall next to me kept asking, "Who's this in the stall next to me?" Her friend in the stall on the opposite side of her said that it was her (the second girl). This kept going on for about a minute, and eventually I just got uncomfortable, decided I could hold it until I got home, and left the bathroom. I mean, what did it matter to those girls (again, this was in the bathroom) who I am? The only reason I didn't say anything is because they were much younger than me (I'm guessing second grade at most).