
I jus took down my previous work on here for personal reasons, almost nobody was reading either way , but I still needed to reassure myself some peace of mind. Again the reason has nothing to do with low numbers, in fact maybe i will be sharing some quotes on here but no more publishing <3


I jus took down my previous work on here for personal reasons, almost nobody was reading either way , but I still needed to reassure myself some peace of mind. Again the reason has nothing to do with low numbers, in fact maybe i will be sharing some quotes on here but no more publishing <3


The Keep Notes app has deleted almost the entirety of the most important paragraph in a poem I've been working on, you don't understand how DAMAGING it is to cut the flow of ideas instantly after just being formed, and how HARD it is to get your ideas back without sounding like a robot or missing a big chunk of the concept. I'm also running out of time cause I have to be somewhere in 10 minutes so I won't be able to figure out how to get back to writing until 2 hours later from now, add absolute complete rage in my tone while you read this and thank u


To know someone is to discover each layer of them on its own, to do that you need to analyse, to analyse people is to notice their details, to notice is to fully understand and admire an unexplainable concept, to form an opinion about a certain concept is to find it interesting.
          That's how I'm fond of you, I'm constantly getting more and more familiar with the definition of you


I've always wrote in first person, or let's say I've always wrote in a way where the poem runs around my personal emotions, so i thought it might be nice if the person speaking is the one observing the person experiencing love, and still having something rush inside the person receiving love. Throughout writing this I've really wanted to change this idea and turn it into the style were "I" is effected by "him" or "you" but naurr~
          I'll be editing it and then publishing soon <3


            I mean isn't it just so admirable to be an admirer , to be the one crafting forms of love into a sensible physical gift.
            Isn't it heavenly enough to be so familiar with the gentle weakness of loving, the soft suffering of longing. To walk around nowhere and everywhere as you hold a piece of the person you cherish the most and keep it near your heart, isn't it so nice to be someone who's simply pleased to be in love with you? 


I need to limit using the same words &/or structure in my "poetry" :(
          I can't help it, it's my personal tone that I can't control , I'll try to introduce new elements in the future, but for now..
          I'm currently deciding whether I should stop a certain poem at the very moment or i should continue trying to dig out more to add from my inspiration sources , also there's an unfinished poem that I'm scared to approach cuz i fear it disappointing me in the end (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
          Also i might and might not just completely stop chasing fame here and just put everything as a draft, I'll still be writing but i just won't post it anymore