Idk what you’re going through or how you feel, but I know how tempting intrusive and impulsive thoughts can be. Especially self-destruction/sabotage. I’ve never really gotten along with my family either and talking about mental health with them has only ever grown a thicker wedge between us, so I get where you’re coming from.
I’m sorry you’re going through family troubles like this, and I know it’s easier said than done, but please remember take care of yourself. Distracting yourself with the things you love/make you laugh are super important coping mechanisms. I can get caught up in my emotions sometimes and I’d rather hurt in the moment rather than uplift myself, but riding that wave is so important so that you come out the other alive and well.
I’ve made impulsive mistakes that I don’t necessarily regret, because I was lucky enough to have come out safe and sound, but there are a lot of actions and decisions I made out of anger or fear or self-loathing that I wish I didn’t.
Stuff like that can feel so tempting and relieving when you do it, but it’s incredibly common that people like us look back at what we did and realize that it wasn’t the answer.
You deserve love and happiness, and I know there are people out there who love and care for you.
Accepting that my family didn’t quite get it was difficult, but I remember all the friends I’ve made along the way that would be there for me in a heartbeat, and they make it worth all the trouble I’ve been through to see them again.
I wish I could make my parents understand my mental health more, but I can’t force them to wrap their heads around something they don’t care to. They drive me fkn nuts sometimes, but no matter how much what they do or say hurts me, I try to keep it together for not only myself but my friends. And my cat lol