
I need to get something off my chest, I was wrong about Emma Watson. There, I said it! Don't know why I needed to say it but yeah. I used to think her campaign was good but that was one thing I didn't do enough research and thinking on.
          	Anyway, I finally finished Arkham Knight. It was a long game and its not like I got to play it every minute.
          	♪Your parents are dead, and I can't stop laughing♪ Its stuck in my head! This was the best Joker I've seen yet. I think Batman is officially my number one favorite superhero and I'm a Marvel person. Lets face it, DC ain't doing too good with movies and I've always hated Superman.
          	Since its been a while...there was a project I was working on that shouldn't take much longer, then I got interrupted by the sale on Arkham Knight, so my apologies on that. I was experimenting with an audio book and the project was a success, it just needs to be finished with a touch of editing so I'll get back to that. Its just to show you whats to come in the future, kind of like a sample trailer thing. (Spoiler alert) I used music of my own composition and a voice changer. Wasn't hard!


I need to get something off my chest, I was wrong about Emma Watson. There, I said it! Don't know why I needed to say it but yeah. I used to think her campaign was good but that was one thing I didn't do enough research and thinking on.
          Anyway, I finally finished Arkham Knight. It was a long game and its not like I got to play it every minute.
          ♪Your parents are dead, and I can't stop laughing♪ Its stuck in my head! This was the best Joker I've seen yet. I think Batman is officially my number one favorite superhero and I'm a Marvel person. Lets face it, DC ain't doing too good with movies and I've always hated Superman.
          Since its been a while...there was a project I was working on that shouldn't take much longer, then I got interrupted by the sale on Arkham Knight, so my apologies on that. I was experimenting with an audio book and the project was a success, it just needs to be finished with a touch of editing so I'll get back to that. Its just to show you whats to come in the future, kind of like a sample trailer thing. (Spoiler alert) I used music of my own composition and a voice changer. Wasn't hard!


I know this might sound a bit twisted, but my father died. I'm actually quite happy now ^-^. Its one less thing to worry about in my life. He's a hacker so I don't have to worry about him finding my name and stealing anything of mine anymore. My dad was a drug addict and a serious one at that. He still did his drugs even at fifty years old, and died of an overdose. He wasn't your typical criminal either, he was a serious nerd who wore glasses. That masters degree in chemistry must of seriously helped him too consider he manufactured them. There's whole damn archive of history I could tell about my father. Also took part in Christian fanaticism. A very big part of my life that led me to who I am now, and let me just say, with all the screwed up things I've gone through, I'm glad he finally drove himself to his final demise. Good riddance.
          I feel like I should address this. I'm not that person that wishes torture, rape, and hellfire upon criminals. I could care less and all that matters is killers, rapists etc are behind bars. I'm saying good riddance to my criminal father because of all the crap he's put me through personally. A natural death he's made for himself through his own immoral actions is good enough for me, I don't wish torture or hell upon him. To me, that is where the real twisted mentalities are. I just hate how people need to give a random person fates of fantasy worse than death and prison. There's just some people you have to be glad is dead and leave it at that.
          On a side note, Batman: Arkham Knight was on sale so I had to get it! I waited to buy it because it had problems in the past but now they're fixed. I've been playing that recently and its too frikin amazing. It has its goods and bads though. You need a super good graphics card. It got a lot of sh!t for that and well deserved. I had to put mine on low res. Its long though! I haven't even finished it yet!


Alright, so here's the updates. I'm kind of in a mix. I've been experimenting with music and audio books to see if they would actually go good together and show people what's to come. Its only the first chapter and like I said, its an experiment. My only huge ass pet peeve, is that Sona is a girl and I really should have a female read it instead of me...Any voice actors out there in my followers list? Haha! I'd gladly take you. The first soundtrack is done, a little bit more to go and I could release it in about a week, but my pet peeve is kind of killing me right now...
          Another option for me is booktrack instead of amazon. Therefore, I would drop this current experiment, write the thing and then publish on booktrack with custom soundtracks. You probably never heard of it but its basically just books with soundtracks, no narration. Its amazing in my opinion. The only down side of booktrack is that it's popularity is crap, meaning its not well known at all. Being out there on the web for about 5 years now, it isn't gaining much popularity.
          I could either do that...or just keep the soundtrack separate and forget the audio book. I really do not know what to do right now, but I think I might look harder for a female voice over to experiment with. I really do want to give out a sample to you guys so you can see. Being a composer, audio engineer and writer at the same times is quite hard. You crave to do both and have it done your way. Until then!


Whelp, I'm a little late in the game but I heard about the shooting massacre in Florida, all the YouTubers and Podcasters I watch come out with a new video! So now...I think I should speak out as well and say yes...its a tragedy, I'm sorry for the families out there and the people who lost their lives.
          So what happens after shootings like these? Gun control discussions! First the right wing is like, "Those damn Sand Niggers!" then the hardcore left is like, "Its all the gun's faults!" Then feminists are like, "Its the patriarchy!" Then Alex Jones is like, "It's the government!" Then some idiot might say on the side, "Its violent video games!"
          So what happens after that? After everyone's stupid argument is done, the event fades away, people lose interest, forget about the people who died, do absolutely nothing about the issue at hand, and await the next event.
          I'll just let The Amazing Atheist explain the rest: https://youtu.be/sl0-GFX3BYg
          I'm tired of events like this. Its just lucky those cops caught the guys that were about the bomb the gay pride parade in LA. Good job, you do more than anybody else out there. But who am I to say anything, I'm one person. Just another person b!tching about how our society sucks.
          But what we can learn from this, is that religion still has a problem with LGBTQ+ and needs to fought. If I would've known the gay pride parade was last night, I might have went.


@RhodaRiley ...forgot the @ sign...


@Tyro619 Well, I believe in gun control...to an extent. Being in Cali, we definitely have the strictest gun laws and I really do think it needs to calm down. But I feel you.
            RhodaRiley I have a character named Riley! I just noticed that XD! But yup, why can't we all just get along, right? I'm with you. There's goods and bads in every group. LGBT bigots have just started to make their publicity too! ^^ PC culture they call it and that just proves it. Haha!: https://memecrunch.com/meme/ACPKF/pc-principal/image.png?w=446&c=1


@HeavyDevy  I just came in from TJ's vid. I disagree with his views on  Gun Control, but the rest was pretty spot on.


Hey Devin, haven't talked to you in a while - my old account 'SteepleChaserX' was shut down. I glad to see that you are better - alive and kicking. And from what I gather by looking at your works, you have another book coming along! That's great and I'll be sure to check it out. I hope things are going well for you.


@DimSceneX Haha, advice is subjective but thanks! I'm glad :). And glad to hear you got B grades now. If you ever need to talk, I'm here, now at least lol. Say hi to your sister for me!


@HeavyDevy That's exactly what I've done - used topics in life in my stories. I had 6 chapters of the new version of Hold Me Down on here and it was completely different and purposefully confusing for the readers to be able to tell what was the main characters imagination and what was real. The main character was in an asylum - very different from the original, right?
            I asked my friend if it bothered her and she said it didn't and she was fine with it but I can  see it puts a barrier between us. I've been joint at the hip with her since I was 10. And in a class of only ten people, all girls, everyone is deeply close to each  other and notice easily when there's tension.
            I started pulling my grades back up over the last month so now I'm an average B grade student. 
            Thanks for the advice Devin, you were always really great at giving them.


@DimSceneX Wow, I...don't know what to say. I'm sorry. I had depressing experiences in my absence as well, which were the other reasons I had.
            I didn't remember seeing anything in your stories that deemed inappropriate. Any type of art is subjective, unless its obvious, like glorifying Hitler. That would be an example of inappropriate. People even write erotica on here! Yours wasn't even near that level! Haha!
            You should keep your grades up though. You don't have to be perfect, but I've regretted failing my entire 9th grade and I'm lucky to have passed the next three years by catching up in an online school, though it was quite isolating. Its hard, because it just adds more stress on top of the current stress, I know.
            I don't see a problem in writing secretly. You weren't doing anything wrong, as proven when others commented on your stories. If that's your passion, don't let anything stop you. I used to hide stuff from my grandma when I was in high school. Ever since I broke out of Christianity, I've been into spirituality, New Age, and Pagan type stuff, focusing on building myself, self therapy basically. So I had to hide it from my parents. Now I could care less and don't resort myself to labels. There's good and bad in everything.
            I've also had instances where I liked a guy friend as more than that too...but I knew they were straight, so I never said. I just appreciated the friendship I've made with that person and I'm attracted to that, especially if they accept for who I am by knowing the true me. Women are still yet to come but I doubt that's ever going to happen. I think I've practically become a "Man who's going his own way," due to my experiences, though I don't know yet, I'm still questioning the group.
            I hope things get better. Use writing as an escape time. Its good therapy, trust me. Think of some topics that you're struggling with, and use it to make a story.


X-men Apocalypse is going to be the most awesome movie of the year. Apocalypse is my absolute favorite X-men villain because he's so powerful and worshiped as a god. He poses one of the best classical challenges for the X-men and that's what makes a good action story.
          However...some people, may disagree. Feminists decided to have a hissy fit over a billboard that showed Apocalypse choking Mystique and called it violence against women. Then Fox apologized for it. I'm sick of these companies acting so cowardly to this, but my theory is, they come out to apologize for these things because money is what matters.
          I'm so glad authors don't do this, but due to certain circumstances of hard work, I don't think they would anyway. The point of action stories, is war. People get hit, beaten, shot, killed, etc, by an evil villain or protagonist villain that later changes or whatever depending on the story. Apocalypse is an evil villain that wants to destroy all the x-men because they're superheros. Who said anything about this being an issue for violence against women? The reality is, is that violence is not a women issue, its a people's issue and should be stopped not matter what it takes.
          If people want to push the idea of making women stronger in stories, fine, I'm right there beside you on having a female lead, a masculine women, a badass women that can beat the crap out of her enemies like Batman does to Joker, a women who knows how to get by on her own, how ever you want to portray a character, but you also better get in line and face the fact that some heroes of those authors get a butt kicking, or an emotional break down every now and then, just as equally like when Bane broke Batman's back, like when Iron man faced Captain America in civil war, the comic. That's just what makes a good believable story, is seeing the imperfections of your hero. Do not limit our creativity.


@HeavyDevy Lol, no problem at all bro. I'm as Conservative as they come and I find myself agreeing with the actual liberals more and more these days. I've seen Triggly puff by the way, it was hystrerical!


@Tyro619 I'm done with the whole PC culture in general. South Park has already made fun of something including books with violent content: http://southpark.cc.com/clips/267356/i-just-read-a-book-for-nothing This is similar to what feminists are assuming with that stupid billboard, it's ridiculous. Now, their 19th season has PC Principle XD!
            A lot of college students are going crazy. Just look up Trigglypuff, and the whole Umass speech with Milo Yiannopoulos. I don't agree with Milo on a lot of his political beliefs, but when it comes to feminism, him and sane democrats have been gathering together to fight this culture before it spreads. Here's Trigglypuff: https://youtu.be/oFrZsGbO6N0
            Just because I disagree with a republican, doesn't mean I'm going to start harassing them to making them change their mind. At first I thought it was just feminists but now its LGBT people too: https://youtu.be/4ZpEJw9ahrI Its like...when each group fight for their freedom and wins afterward, they got nothing else to do but to set double standards that make them feel special and punish the families of those who ridiculed them, like in the dark ages. Sorry for rambling XD.


@HeavyDevy Amen to that brother. You've had enough of SJW's as well I take?