
Hey guys!
          	As you can tell, chapter 17 is out!
          	We are soo close to the end of our journey now, just a few more chapter to go! Thanks a lot for accompanying me on this :)
          	Happy reading! ^^


Hey guys!
          As you've probably noticed, you just got spammed a million times by me :)
          Sorry about that. You've also probably noticed that my book has significantly less chapters now. That's because I combined a few chapters and added more scenes in the earlier chapters to maintain a consistent length in the chapters. I'm currently working on fixing the length of my chapters, but never fear! Chapter 17 (which would have been 21) is being made and we are almost at the end of our journey!
          Let me know if you spot the extra scenes [They're generally at the end of the chapters, you can check chapter 4 to gain some more insight into Laura's character, and of course my writing style has changed a lot, so I have attempted to fix a few things here and there :) ] 
          Anyways, that's all from me for now
          See you!


Hey peeps!
          I forgot to mention but I'm on holidays this month, so the next update will be after July since I'm not sure whether I can write a lot while travelling.
          So thanks a lot for your patience and have an amazing day/ night! ^^
          (P.S. What's your favourite colour?)


Hey guys!
          So if you have noticed, I have been updating my story a lot lately by adjusting many parts, changing perspectives to meet the layout and adding new content to some chapters.
          I also have some good news for you: Chapter 19 is out!!! (Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking: Whaaaa? Didn't you have 21 Chapters? Well, like I said, I've been adjusting the story a lot, so some Chapters have been combined, some Chapters have had their perspective changed and some have had new content added to them, all for the layout. Sorry if this is kind of confusing , but I swear that it'll be worth it in the end!)
          Anyways, thanks for all of your support and just wait till Chapter 19 is released, it's one of my personal favourites so far.
          So enjoy and happy reading! :)


Wait, I just realised how confusing this is. What I meant was, "Chapter 19 is almost out!!!" (I got confused while posting this lol, sry )


Hey guys, so I know that I haven't been posting in a while and that's because I really got into this book series and totally lost all of my concentration hehe. I know that I can't use this as an excuse, especially since I said that I'd complete the book by March, but writing the climax was also a lot trickier than I expected it to be and my exams are also coming, so yay.
          Anyways, I've decided to not set a time limit for when the book will be done by as I've realised that I'm horrible at following those, but I will definitely post after my exams are over. I've not given up on the book, if that's what some of you are thinking due to my inactivity, I actually have a lot of ideas, it's just that it's taking me time to express them (and the fact that I get distracted by good books easily), but I will definitely finish the book.
          So thanks for your patience and accompanying me on this journey! ^^


@Hecate-37 your welcome I've had to try all of my followers patience lately lol (I usually try to post something around once a week maybe every other week if I'm being lazy and I uploaded for the first time in 21 days last night lol so I understand)


@Enjolras_IRL_18 Thanks! I really appreciate your patience ^^



@WizardPendragon6 Yeah, there's soo many things possible in a fantasy world ^^


@Hectate I like fantasy stories too. I think they are better sometimes than reality :)


Hey guys! Chapter 12 is also out!!!!!
          Thanks for reading my story so far and I'm proud to say that I'm not guilty even a bit for the cliff hangers I leave you at! ;)
          Oh and comment on the 'author's note' if you want me to write from different perspectives or make my chapters longer!
          Ciao! :)


Hey guys! As you can obviously see, chapter 11 is also out! 
          Again, thanks for reading my story.
          Anyways, I'm sorry for not posting in a while. I've started reading this book series and am totally addicted to it, which gives me less time to write.
          I'll do my best to post chapter 12 as soon as I can though! (Which is probably after I've completed the series I'm currently reading) :)


Hey guys! Chapter 10 is out!
          As usual, thanks for reading my story and I'm sorry if the pineapple on pizza scene offended you, it was just a joke.
          About the maybe, maybe not cheesy scene... I'll try to avoid that, but no promises ;)
          I'll post chapter 11 as fast as I can! ^^