
Hey, losers (I actually love you all illy) that follow this sorry, sad, account. I Never said anything about my followers count nor did I said 'thank you!' last time. However, here it is. Thank you so much for 433 followers, such an interesting and a actual large amount. I'm surprised you would follow my sorry and my stupid piece of sh- *Youtube guidelines* (Hah! I'm funny). Thank you. I'm the biggest loser ever, yet you guys have the damn guts to follow this dumb account. Thank you very much! I hope y'all had a great day! (:


jOSHLER *questionable noise*


Y a y
            Atleast someone missed me :,>


Didja miss ME? ;>


Hey, losers (I actually love you all illy) that follow this sorry, sad, account. I Never said anything about my followers count nor did I said 'thank you!' last time. However, here it is. Thank you so much for 433 followers, such an interesting and a actual large amount. I'm surprised you would follow my sorry and my stupid piece of sh- *Youtube guidelines* (Hah! I'm funny). Thank you. I'm the biggest loser ever, yet you guys have the damn guts to follow this dumb account. Thank you very much! I hope y'all had a great day! (:


Okay. Whoever reads that nasty story called "Listen To Me..." read the last chapter, and i will explain why it's on hold. My apologies for the unexpected event, and you may be pissed at me, but pls understand me in that chapter. Thank you, and have a nice day <3. 


It's someone's birthday today.... *puts on happy birthday song, as dances like a idiot* Happy birthday, my dear Gerard! I don't have twitter...Nor any other social media to really say happy birthday. I know, sad. Andyways, happy birthday Gee! *wipes eyes* Their growing up so fast. Of course, the SPN franchise. Happy birthday Mark Pellegrino! Or Lucifer I love to call you. Those two, are the birthday boys, yay! 


N***** WE MADE IT! I'm sorry that's racist. But, I have 300 followers now... why?! I mean, thank you so much! But, seriously, why? I barely do anything on Wattpad anymore. Andyways, thank you so much, I love you all so much. Andddd ya.... Thanks, since I have nothing else to say.