
Ok guys... MAJOR DILEMMA! I can't decide who I want to cast as Lukas for the Unwell Series! I'm going back and adding pictures to each chapter (starting with Book 3), but I can't decide who to pick for Lukas. I have Lucky Blue Smith as him in the first two and Jordan Barrett as him in the third book. I don't know, they're both pretty fitting. Who do you guys think is the better Lukas? PLEASE HELP ME


Ok guys... MAJOR DILEMMA! I can't decide who I want to cast as Lukas for the Unwell Series! I'm going back and adding pictures to each chapter (starting with Book 3), but I can't decide who to pick for Lukas. I have Lucky Blue Smith as him in the first two and Jordan Barrett as him in the third book. I don't know, they're both pretty fitting. Who do you guys think is the better Lukas? PLEASE HELP ME


You killed me when Matthias died in Who I Am Now. I'm hesitating to continue it because of the feels, but I will, after my heart heals.


@Hedgehogwatch Wait, what?! It gets worse..? My heart can't deal with this. XD
            And trust me, there are a lot of people awfuller (Is that even a word..?) than you.


@GrayFullbusterFan ugh the feels really hit hard in that book! It only gets worse in What He Has Become. I'm awful, I know XD


I DID IT! I DROPPED THE NEW BOOK! It's called What He Has Become, and it's part 3 of what I'm now calling the Unwell Series (How I Used to Be, Who I Am Now, and What He Has Become). So if you liked those, go check out the newest installment! I'll be updating fairly regularly, and the story should be complete by December :)


I want to personally thank all of you for your continued support! How I Used To Be reached ~10,000~ reads, and I'm ECSTATIC! I never imagined this happening, especially since the story itself is the embodiment of the Mr. Krabs meme where everything is spinning around him like- you know what I mean. Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORIES!!!!!!