
Hey guys!!! So I have a couple things to get out there!
          	1) PLEASE check out @Rose_3 and her book Torn In Two, it is amazing!! I just started it today and I can't stop reading it! I'm posting this on here because she deserves to be recognized (she might not even know this is up so let's surprise her, shall we?!) And if you love werewolf books, this could be your new favorite! Be sure to comment tons and vote too I'm sure it'd be appreciated :)
          	2) I also have a new book up! I posted the Prologue to Fighting For the Future & it's all edited now. I'd love to have you check it out :) Constructive criticism is very (and always) welcome!


@Rose_3 You're so very welcome, you deserve it!


@Hide_And_Seek17  Thank you sooo much! It means a lot to have you do this!!


Thank you so much for continuing with my book! It means so much!!! :)


Of course!! I'm so glad you're still writing! I wasn't getting updates tho so sorry if I was a little late!


Hey guys!!! So I have a couple things to get out there!
          1) PLEASE check out @Rose_3 and her book Torn In Two, it is amazing!! I just started it today and I can't stop reading it! I'm posting this on here because she deserves to be recognized (she might not even know this is up so let's surprise her, shall we?!) And if you love werewolf books, this could be your new favorite! Be sure to comment tons and vote too I'm sure it'd be appreciated :)
          2) I also have a new book up! I posted the Prologue to Fighting For the Future & it's all edited now. I'd love to have you check it out :) Constructive criticism is very (and always) welcome!


@Rose_3 You're so very welcome, you deserve it!


@Hide_And_Seek17  Thank you sooo much! It means a lot to have you do this!!


Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my book Torn in Two, it really made my day! 


You're so very welcome!!! I can't stop reading! I'll be sure to tell people about it, you deserve as many readers as you can get! It's a wonderful book


Thank you to everyone who has followed me recently, it makes me really happy to know that people notice me :) If you guys have time to check out some of my stories I would really appreciate it! And if you have any requests for me to read your books, please reply or message me to let me know and I'll check them out. Hope you're all having a good new year so far!


I love your bio!!! (P.s Ed Sheeran is the BOMB!!! And Harry Potter is my boyfriend(I wish)


Hahaha aw thank you!!! And don't worry you can have Harry I'll take Ed Sheeran


Hey Heidi!!! I was wondering how you make your amazing book covers!!! 


Hey Nat!!! I use the website canva covers. It's easier To use on the computer. I find pictures that I like online, drag them onto my desktop and then into the upload area. You'll just have to play around on it but it's really fun! Don't buy the full version, there's no advantage it really has everything you need on the free one :) I hope that helped!!!


Off The Self in your story The Beginning is perfect. It changed me. Thank you.


Oh my gosh you're so welcome! It makes me so happy to hear someone say that... I actually might cry, it means a lot more than you will ever know... 