
Hey I'm back again and publishing more stuff. I have been lately reading more than creating stories. Now I'm inspired to write a Harry Potter book. And finish up other stories I have that aren't finished. Hopefully I'll have a fully published book for you guys to enjoy. Also please give me more recommendations on books or posts I should read. I'll definitely follow them.


Hey I'm back again and publishing more stuff. I have been lately reading more than creating stories. Now I'm inspired to write a Harry Potter book. And finish up other stories I have that aren't finished. Hopefully I'll have a fully published book for you guys to enjoy. Also please give me more recommendations on books or posts I should read. I'll definitely follow them.


Hey everyone, been a minute
          But I'm back writing once more and trying to finish up what ever books and stories on here. Just added one short poem about free styling and working on one book. Hopefully it'll be finished soon. But in the mean time. Random thoughts and getting back to the planet poems/ moon poems. 


so im writing a book about me and how my mind is like  so hope you lovely humans like it


you're just as sane as i am


@RamIsAWeeaboo  am i a.....the world will never know