
Hi everyone,
          	I've just updated He Drove Me To It. It's been a year since I started this and I actually really enjoy writing this one even though I don't update often (at all). I hope you find it interesting and fun to read and criticism is welcome.
          	Thank you,


Hi everyone,
          I've just updated He Drove Me To It. It's been a year since I started this and I actually really enjoy writing this one even though I don't update often (at all). I hope you find it interesting and fun to read and criticism is welcome.
          Thank you,


Hello everybody,
          Earlier this week I was tagged by the brilliant @paintpastel to tell you all 10 things that make me happy. I realised that most of you probably don't know much about me so this will be good I guess. Strap in, it's gonna be a slightly tedious but enlightening ride...
          1) Music. Music is basically my life, whether it be listening, playing or even admiring those who play.
          2) Rubbish reality TV. I know, weird right? It's strangely compelling.
          3) Musicals. Whether it be musical TV shows, films or even on stage I absolutely adore them.
          4) Writing. I'm not that talented and writing is the one thing I can sort of do.
          5) Concerts. I hate social situations and group gatherings but at concerts I always feel calm and happy. This probably fits in with music but it deserves its own point.
          6) Reading. I don't read as much as I used to due to being busy, however when I do I just love getting stuck in a great book.
          7) Disney. I love everything to do with Disney and watching a good Disney film makes me so happy. Also, I have been lucky enough to visit the Florida park and being there with my family makes me really happy and I cry every time I watch the fireworks show there.
          8) Guitars. Guitars make me happy in a weird way, I can literally sit there smiling just looking at different guitars.
          9) Friends. This is self explanatory. I don't know what I would do without them.
          10) Family. They mean the world to me and I love them to bits. They make everything better. 
          Okay, so there's a peak into who I am. I'm going to tag @IzzyPandaPiggy and anyone else who wants to do this. It's kinda a nice thing to do as it helps you to focus on the good things in life and push away the bad things, if only for a moment. 
          See you guys soon (I promise I'll update in a bit). 
          Helena x 


@paintpastel Happy Easter! Did you enjoy your chocolate eggs? I didn't really eat too much chocolate today (I seriously think I'm allergic), did you eat a lot of chocolate? I didn't go to church and I'm kinda sad about it, my parents don't go to church really so that means I don't either (and granted by the time I was up and dressed it was 11:30 xD ). How did you find the ceremony, was it good? ^.^ 


@paintpastel If you personally feel like you can handle it and want to do it, I'll be behind you 100% and I would definitely read it! I think it would be amazing and so many people would appreciate the work and effort you would put into it. If I was you I would wait until after the exams are over and all the stress is gone before starting to write the spin-off though, just so you aren't under to much pressure. I do think that it would be great for you to do a spin-off though, it would be fantastic!


To everyone who is reading this,
          I would like to recommend you an amazing piece of work by the amazing author @paintpastel It is called The Starling Vigilante and her writing is phenomenal and incredibly gripping. So please just head over there and check it out, you won't regret it.
          Helena x 


Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Holidays! I wish you all a great week and new year. Thank you for reading my stories this past year, I really appreciate it. I will be posting an update on Psychosis soon. ~ Helena


I seriously recommend reading @paintpastel stories she has written, they are absolutely amazing stories and I'm sure you'll love them. Plus with The Starling Vigilante you don't necessarily need to know much about Arrow or the Flash to be able to understand and immerse yourself in the story it is that well written. Check it out, you won't regret it ^.^