
I don't do this a lot but guess what? New chapter coming out today!


Hey, nice job with your current update chapter. Hey, have you heard of the SCPs called Scp: Lilith and Scp: Mary had a little lamb do you think could include these scps and into your story??


@Agito003 take your time, im not going anywhere XD


I probably mention these because I find them interesting  SCPS that I would how the Mc of your story would respond or interact with them. mind if get back to you what hoping to see out both scps later through pm.


@Agito003 ill have a quick read and ill let you know if Im interested in these scps
            but quick question, why mention these ones? Like what are you hoping to see for them? Blood? Caring?


I come back to your page just for a second just to see a story with 20k views on bro! Was that just an old story, or did it just blow out of the water like that? If I can take a guess, that wasn't just penguins in the desert. By that I mean it just wasn't an old story.


@ViceAVersa well I have been updating it every Saturday now. But it is an old story XD