I would love it if you checked out my new story called Uncovered I hope you enjoy!
          “As much as we would like to believe, our lives do not end poetically. When things go wrong we romanticize the pain by trying to turn it into something more exquisite than it actually is, leaving us to create a false twisted sense of poetry for comfort. All of that heart aching death and blood stained fingers were never once beautiful, not even for a second. There was nothing ever remotely awe-inspiring about the red hot liquid that drained from my body and oozed into a pool beneath my lifeless. 
          Because when your dying  there is nothing romantic about it. And it's all thanks to him."
          Valentina. Pronounced val-en-TEE-nah. It is of Latin origin, meaning Life and Strength.
          Which was almost comical. She was never either of those things, not until she had to be, not until Harry.


O ódio é algo comum na raça humana, ele é disseminado sem que nem percebamos onde é sua fonte original. Sempre inocentemente acreditamos que o ódio é um sentimento declarado que podemos indentificar sem nenhum problema... Mas... E se sentimento tão devastador estiver disfarçado? Será que saberíamos que ele realmente está lá? Ou apenas o justificariamos com um nome bonito na fachada de um crime?
          Eis que aqui meu querido leitor eu lhe mostro a nova versão de Romeu e Julieta.

          Aproveite ❣