
I cam here today as a fellow european to speak directly to ukrainians going through this horrible time. I see you, and I feel you. Have hope, dictatorship will not stand against us. An attack on one of us, is an attack to all of us. 


@Hellen_Ax that's so true, praying for them <3


I cam here today as a fellow european to speak directly to ukrainians going through this horrible time. I see you, and I feel you. Have hope, dictatorship will not stand against us. An attack on one of us, is an attack to all of us. 


@Hellen_Ax that's so true, praying for them <3


Hey there, love!
          I hope you're doing good! 
          You've got this, you're already here that's something to celebrate for! 
          Don't stress much, what is in the way will soon make sense if not then just go with the flow you'll get out of it, better.
          Just keep swimming till you reach the shore!
          It's sometimes happiness, sometimes sadness
          It just can't be happiness all the way, there's no fun in that, it's just not the way.(idk if this makes sense but I hope it does) 
          Stay safe and healthy ❤️✨


~You don't have to push through every decision of yours. Giving up doesn't make you weak.
          ~It's okay to quit rather than doing something half-heartedly. It's okay to leave something unfinished, cause sometimes things are better that way.
          ~It's okay if your forever didn't last longer than a few months or if you change your mind in the middle of achieving your goals.
          ~Sometimes giving up can be the greatest thing you can do. 
          ~Stay safe, healthy and hydrated. Remember you're loved❤️. 


I'm proud of you, you don't need to prove anything to anyone cause you're enough as you are. Don't push yourself too much you might be tiring yourself and then the work you've done would go down the drain, so always make sure to take rest❤️. Remember that, problems are just small obstacles in your life they'll be what you see them as, it's you who decides if they're bad problems or just a lesson in life. This might sound harsh but please always face the truth, keeping yourself in an illusion will only lead to you breaking in the end, So it's better if you face it first rather than it coming all at you at an unpleasant time, breaking you apart. 
          "We are stars wrapped in skin, the light you're seeking has always been within." 
          I love you, stay safe❤️


@ PriyalBatra15  this is so sweet, Thank you. ✨


I want you to know that you're an amazing person.
          If you don't get this back I understand. But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you.
          Once you read this message you must send it to 15 other people, including me.
          If you get atleast three back, you are loved. (If you are not loved by God, we do not discourage people here.) 
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight at 11:59, the person you love the most will realise they love you.
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm, be ready for the shock of your life.
          (P.S this is a DARE) 


I appreciate all those votes ✨on The Dangerous Ones @Hellen_Ax I hope you continue to enjoy the story ❣️


@Hellen_Ax I’m glad you are enjoying it!


@ DELynch43  Thanks! I am, you writing is captivating. ❤️


          I hope you are doing well in such tough times. I have a favour to ask. I am writing a story titled, "The Backpacker's Dream" and it's a story about a girl who wants to fulfil her dream of travelling alone but on this path of exploration, she meets unexpected events that make the journey more adventurous.
          So, if you like a strong female lead who is ready to take on the world then I would request you to please invest your time in my story and I would be glad to receive your feedback and comments.
          My story is about to complete and I also update frequently.
          If you aren't interested then that is also cool
          But, I must tell you that once you will start reading it, it will be a rollercoaster ride.
          Thank you❤


Olá ! Eu sei que ninguém gosta de receber esse tipo de mensagem
          Gostaria de a convidar a conhecer o meu livro , chama-se "um novo recomeço" e é ficção adolescente
          Está aqui a sinopse
          Como toda gente na adolescência gosta de espermentar coisas novas e isso não se difere de happy Drummond 
          Happy Drummond dona de si mesma, não leva desaforo para casa ,bate de frente quando sabe que tem razão , adora sair com seus amigos pra tudo quanto é canto 
          Mas por detrás de toda garota forte a uma moça indefesa e com medo do mundo 
          Esse lado de happy é mostrado quando uma grande tragédia abala a sua vida a deixando impotente 
          Sem saber que caminho seguir ou para onde ir 
          Pois ela nunca pensou que a pessoa mais importante da sua vida a deixará , ela não estava prepara para o final, mas dessa vez a morte levou a melhor


Ooi tudo bem? Vim divulgar a história da minha amiga, é uma ficção adolescente. Espero que goste, e desculpa pelo incomodo. 
          Rachel sempre sonhou com o momento em que entraria para a universidade e aproveitaria a vida universitária na grande e badalada Nova York, e agora está a um passo disso. Festas, novas amizades, fraternidades e garotos atraentes esperavam por ela, até descobrirem que ela conhecia Logan Parker, o atleta mais famoso do campus, amigo do seu irmão. 
          De uma universitária normal ela passa para "a garota que é amiga do Logan e pode falar bem de você para ele". Como se não fosse suficiente, para entrar numa irmandade ela é desafiada a ajudar um grupo de garotas a conquistar o coração dele. Estava tudo sob controle até ela acabar se apaixonando.