this message may be offensive
Okay, I’m coming back to announce that ‘Till Death Do Us Part is officially coming back. Like seriously. Maybe under a different name? Maybe not? Who knows.
And this time I’m serious. All those other times I was busy with school, and then I had covid and blah blah blah (personal boring shit nobody cares about). It’s summer now, and even though I’m still taking classes over the summer it’s coming back. Expect it soon. But not soon bc I have things to do lol
Also, I’ve been doing my research. Expect the writing to be better. Back then, I was just messing around not really thinking anything of it. But I’ve watched more videos than you can imagine, read more articles in my life, and found the writing style that works for me.
Everything is better from this point forward.
(But I’m still learning so be easy on me)