Sometimes i wish I was some else. Someone attractive, smart, kind, famous, rich, not a care in the world. It's delusional I guess, but it's not impossible. There's 8 billion people on this earth, and people die every single day, and I wonder how the heck I'm not one of them. I could die any second, just like anyone else. Because I'm not special. Maybe you want to make music, books, art, and you want people to one day enjoy that art. But it takes years for that to happen sometimes, unless you're lucky. Lucky enough to change 1000 dollars for concert tickets? Greedy AF u not that special dude. Or maybe your time comes after you die, in some cases. It's unfortunate. But I feel like I'm lucky to be alive kinda. I feel like I should be dead. Purpose is something I hope I have. So keep going, until the sun explodes finally. (I talk a lot)