
Tbh all of my favorite books on here are getting rewritten and i'm gonna miss the old versions, but i'm so excited for the new ones! AND UPDATE COUNTDOWN: 2 DAYS


I wrote the next ten chapters for TDR but i absolutely hated where they led. Soooo instead of posting any of them, which i know you're probably mad about I ended up rewriting them. BUT it is probably a good thing i did this now, instead of doing it at the end when my readers are already so used to one version. SO to appease you needy little people i will posting THREE CHAPTERS OF TDR and TWO CHAPTERS OF CA. Be ready my minions ;)


Hey guys so it is finally june! My finals are next week but i only have three and they are all pretty easy so I WILL BE UPDATING BOTH BOOKS THIS WEEK. Dark room on saturday, and Chasing Arabella on sunday. I'm really excited about these two and i already have plenty of stock chapters so you guys don't have to worry about late updates. Thanks!


So sorry about the very very late update! I will be posting either tonight or tomorrow! I am in high school and my AP tests are coming up, so i have been very busy as well as studying for the Sats. Please understand that i will be posting weekly in the summer as well so no worries!