
Hi lovelies!
          	I am so sorry if any inconvenience was faced by any of you all due to my inactivity.
          	This was due to the fact that I have been facing health issues recently.
          	I currently have a high fever and fainted yesterday due to dehydration, so I would like to request everyone to kindly understand my situation.
          	Once again, thank you for supporting me, and as always...
          	Bye lovelies AND don't forget to stay hydrated!<3


Hi lovelies!
          I am so sorry if any inconvenience was faced by any of you all due to my inactivity.
          This was due to the fact that I have been facing health issues recently.
          I currently have a high fever and fainted yesterday due to dehydration, so I would like to request everyone to kindly understand my situation.
          Once again, thank you for supporting me, and as always...
          Bye lovelies AND don't forget to stay hydrated!<3


Hi lovelies!
          First of all, I'm very sorry for not writing for the past few days.
          And second of all, I want everyone to know that I am a new writer.
          I recently got a message from a neobook bot trying to plagiarize my story on another website.
          I know these are bots as they have the same profile picture and name (Isabella Richardson with https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&insightstoken=bcid_ry2OYmlYhs0GMw*ccid_LY5iaViG&iss=VSI&selectedindex=1&id=D0CF7C4F010AA865023B9EBEE3ECBBDDBC0AF0D8&ccid=ODuJvdKK&exph=155&expw=220&vt=2&sim=11&simid=608038945966280594&ck=3E034FEBB67CDF301C73B62F93501DF7&thid=OIP.ODuJvdKKcbVbw8hVKzbXkwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2FY9bdxZeLk34AAAAM%2Fbloxton.gif&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dbcid_Sy2OYmlYhs0GqxcxoNWLuD9SqbotqVTdP.w)
          If you ever find these bot accounts, please report them immediately and block them.
          And if the person who moderates these bots sees this message, please know that I am aware and appropriate measures will be taken if it is plagiarized by any means.
          Bye lovelies, and stay safe! <3