dnt just wait by my profile do somestuff becasue my message is nt magicaly gonna appear! u have to refresh the page! by clicking on go back to darkdestiny's profile!
@Majestic-Fairy oay u go to my message d and u type a mesage and at the bottom by send message theres a little box thats says private message u click on there and it sends priv message!!! yay yeah keep her outside..dnt give her away! =)
@Majestic-Fairy pshhhh im not giving u...plus u couldve told me...hey i dont have airtime...awwwww who gona give the kitty to? u should post something up....ooh we can write a poem together!!! and send it through private messages!!!!!!! =)
@darkdestiny f9 we have to gine the poor kitty away n i had R 17 airtime yesterday i smsed u now i have R 3............................................you owe me R14 airtuime