
I know I haven't been active as much on here, and I do apologize for that. I will try and give you guys updates asap on the stories. I've been extremely busy lately and had no time for updates. I will try and update as soon as possible. ❤️


If you guys like me to write a story about your OC's. I'd be happy too! Don't be afraid to contact me! I do, however, write one story at a time, so I ask for your patience in writing stories. It is easier for me to keep on an easy schedule when it comes to writing. If you'd like me to write stories about your OCs, please tell me information about them and what kind of story you'd like. One person has asked me to write a story about their OC and add Jacksepticeye ego's which I happily agreed to do. Please inform me what you'd like to happen in the story and along with what you'd like your OC to do. Love you guys! 


I'm sorry it's taking a bit to upload the next chapter to "Not all demons are monsters". A lot of things have come up and I have had no time to work on it. I will say though that I have the time now so I am working on it right now. I will try to have it up as soon as possible I'm hoping I'll have it up by tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you guys so much for the wait I love you all! If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to let me know! <3


I'm sad to say that there will be two more chapters in 'Little Glitch'. I just want to say I'm happy I've gotten to write it to all of you and that you've enjoyed reading it. There will be more stories of Jack's egos in the future. Thank you guys so much for reading 'Little Glitch'. The last two chapters will be a bit short and possibly time skipped. I might even throw in an extra chapter to show you guys how much bonding Anti and Marvin have been doing. Anyways, thank you all again for reading 'Little Glitch' I had so much fun writing it. <3