
Binging Helluva Boss for a review is like speedrunning trauma.
          	Also, why do like 90% of these characters have daddy issues?


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Minor spoilers for TOH
          Soo...The Owl House finale was fucking amazing...I've only been watching this show for like, two months and was introduced via out of context clip videos. But nevertheless, this is the BEST show I've ever watched. Lumity, Huntlow, and Raeda are all amazing ships. Raine is my favorite character, they are super badass, and I appreciate people who think playing music is cool. I would 110% study bard and oracle magic. I also just randomly really like Darius...he seems super cool and I like that he seems to have adopted Hunter at the end. I LOVE the timeskip designs, mostly Raine's, Amity's, and Gus'. I was super scared when Raine was fighting off Belos. Also, Hooty is hilarious and I love him.
          I spent like thirty minutes crying yesterday mainly due to WAD.


I love how Raine is casually nonbinary, they don't have to correct anybody about their pronouns. I wish it was like this in real life.