
@ThisIsNotMeLol , at least I know I'm not alone on this one lol!


@Helovesmenot can I make a story from one of your ideas?


Hahaha, same here!!!!


@ThisIsNotMeLol OMG no! That's exactly how I feel. I once started a story that was totally meant to be non-fiction and one day I read a story about aliens and suddenly I needed to write a out aliens and I put it in the story and it was a complete jumbled mess lol!


Hahahaha, i know EXACTLY what you mean!!! I struggle to try and keep my book on the right story line and not change it into a different one. XD


@ThisIsNotMeLol Omg, It's like the worst form of writers block ever lol.


Hahaha, yeah. That's how I feel about the book I am writing right now. I have all the pieces in front of me, but when i try write it down my mind goes blank and I can barely manage to write a sentence. Then suddenly my brain thinks of an AMAZING idea that could be an awesome book but i can't make it because i'm writing TRLOA and I would start getting my ideas jumbled. Then my brain would think of another idea and it would end up a cycle with about 100 books that are not completed.
            And then you can't put the idea in your other book because you feel like it's a completely different story line!!! lol
            Sorry, i'm rambling x :P