"Who you callin' a pebble?" Blackout drew herself up, making herself taller. "I may be short, sure, for a teenager, but I am not as small as a pebble!" She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at you with her pure black eyes.
I went from being obsessed with Miraculous to TAWOG... Currently grounded from the internet so uh... Don't expect me to write much of anything. Maybe if I'm lucky and win this business presentation, I'll be allowed to publish stuff to my business profile on here, so follow me there. It's @ROS_WORDS.
About to present my business I had to do for Summer Camp. If I win, I'll update We Knew You to celebrate my victory. If I don't then well... It's going to remain on hiatus < 3
Currently watching "Why Women Kill." it's pretty good so far... Despite the only reason they kill being that their husband cheated on them. I'm biologically a women and, I can name a few other reasons as to why I would kill someone.