
Hi everyone! I have been thinking of writing a new Suga x Jungkook story! I have an idea in mind but wanted to see if any of my readers had something they would like me to write for them!


Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know a good friend of mine has an account to post chapters of real books she would like to publish one day! She has a little bit of everything going on and I wanted to let you know you guys should check her out! @Naomi-Chan87 would definitely appreciate it as well I'm sure! As always I hope you guys enjoy my stories and have wonderful days!


I am very sorry to everyone who has given me requests and reading on my current stories! Life has been a bit hectic and his been causing me major writers block for the past few months. In going to work on getting past it and updating regularly as soon as possible. Thank you for those who have been patient and I promise to get through this soon! I appreciate every single one of you and thank you dearly for being my readers! It makes me so happy to see you guys enjoying it!


yoooo this is random but i remember you used to have a tododeku fic posted on your acc (hopefully you remember too, lol). 
          i read it a while ago and i was wondering what happened to it??? 


@-aesque I do plan on writing a new tododeku as soon as I finish my other two o going stories so if you want to keep and eye out for it I’d be more than happy to notify you when I start it


aw that’s unfortunate!!! i enjoyed it


I honestly have no idea. I got on one day and it was just gone. I’ve gone through everything and there is no sign of it ever existing and I have no idea what happened to it still. 


You are now my new source for my daily dose of yaoi. You should feel honoured XD
          But seriously I love your works, especially your jungkookxsuga smuts because I just love some sugarkookie


Hey cringy can equal cute so your all good, you’re a very talented writer! I’ll let you know any constructive criticism, though I doubt that they’ll be much. Can’t read through much right now though cause I have school tomorrow and I don’t fancy pulling another all nighter but I’ll definitely give you some honest feedback soon :-)


@Empro100 Awe thank you! I hope you enjoy them but slme of them are very cringy from just starting 