Let's talk about J. J, he is the same height as me or maybe a bit shorter. But his fashion sense is awesome! He's got car craze and bike craze. I've got that craze too. His eyes when he smile is gorgeous. His hair is so thick, man how I desire to run my hands through his hair. Whenever he comes to church, he never forgets to look at me. And when he looks, I feel sparks all over. He plays football too! There's this one time where he literally TURNED AROUND to look at me! I melted right then and there! Again, we've been talking through eye contacts for a year. We don't know each other, we haven't even spoken a word to each other, but I and him knows each other's name just because we both follow each other on Instagram. And he LIKES EVERY story that I put on Instagram. Like, SMASH man! And, I've only seen one girl in his instagram. But I know, they are besties. I've done my research girls! Overall, I would rate him a 8/10.
What should I do? I am in a dilemma. Today is J's elder brother's birthday. Should I wish him? Should I message J or R through Instagram? I kinda have a crush on both of them. Who do you guys think is a red flag and a green flag? PLEASE HELP ME!!