Title: Her Destiny
Author: @Sweet_dough23
Genre : Romance, True love
"Her Destiny" is a heartfelt story that explores love, forgiveness, and destiny through the intertwined lives of three couples—Ayesha Shah and Samir Qureshi, Arham Qureshi and Jasmine Ahmadi, and Hania Shah and Asad Riaz. Each couple embarks on a unique journey filled with challenges and emotions. Ayesha struggles to reconcile her feelings for Samir after learning about his past and his truth as a devoted Hajji, testing her faith and ability to forgive. Meanwhile, Arham and Jasmine’s playful banter and growing affection bring moments of lightness and warmth to the narrative. On the other hand, Hania and Asad's love story unfolds amid grand celebrations, showcasing a bond rooted in tradition and steady commitment.
With heartfelt dialogues, emotional depth, and captivating moments, "Her Destiny" symbolizes the power of love and the mysterious ways in which destiny shapes lives. The novel captures the essence of human connections while highlighting the beauty of faith, redemption, and enduring love.