god i miss you. i think about you all the time. you’re stuck in my mind. but it’s not you. the guy who loved me is dead, he doesn’t exist anymore. there’s no point in looking or trying to find him. I miss him. I miss you. lately things have been bad. i have a plan for leaving. i’m talking to those kinds of people again. now that you’re gone there’s no reason not to. When I’m feeling needy which is rare, i only think of you, you’re all i want. but it’s not you. I want the boy with the curly hair and the cute smile who loved me and meant it when he said forever. I want the boy with the goofy laugh and card game obsession. I want the boy I knew before you left me. not that you’re gone i know i don’t know you at all anymore…i hope you’re doing well. i hope you’re doing well..