
New chapter for "All I Want Is Everything" is up!


Heya hope you are well.. just checking in and hoping you are still continuing 'All I want is everything' :)


@Mellyis22 Hi, Melly--thanks for checking in! I've been doing quite a bit of overtime at work lately and it's affecting my brain. :-) I will be continuing "All I Want Is Everything," it is just going to be a bit. Right now it's easier to work on another story in progress--I have too many--because I'm not sure what to do with the Steve problem.


Missing Ella, Bucky & the gang! Even Steve. Been venturing out seeking other stories & must say, there are very few who tell a story as thoroughly & beautifully as you! Enjoying Woolfhoundss writings based on your recommendation! No pressure whatsoever, I imagine you needed a break. I’m sure those last few chapters, though excellent, were exhausting,. Just wanted to let you know you’re missed & hope you’re doing ok. 


Hey I don't if it's you and I'm sorry if it's a sore subject but I was looking for a story and fb ppl said it was you but I'm looking for a sorry where sang is adopted by a gay couple and she goes to college when she comes back she ends up with luke.. they said it was part of the patient and I don't know if it is but it has a Christmas part where he proposes to her if you can tell me where to find the story I would love it I love that story 


@staciercw was it the patient


@staciercw  That is a story that I wrote but I took it down with most of my other work because I left the fandom.


There seems to be some problems with announcements--as in when I put up a new chapter, there's no announcement. If this works, there's two new chapters up in "All I Want Is Everything." Check it out! Love to read those comments!


I just saw you have several more stories! Watt pad didn't let me know. Eeeeee! 


@marthaclanton I did your mom have an accident? How horrible! I'm glad you and your kids are able to help out and that she's recovered. That must have been terrible for your family. I'm glad you've gotten therapy--it saved my life and I hope it's helping you. You've had a rough go of it. Yeah, I'm sad about the cat, but I'm doing everything I can to help--put my mattress on the floor so he won't fall when he wants to get up, he gets to eat almost anything he finds interesting. He's lost so much weight. Since they can't cure him, we have medications to give to help him, and that's the best we can do. Thanks for remembering us; you guys are in my thoughts as well.


@Hephaestia I'm doing okay, I guess. I have been working with a therapist for awhile, so I am able to keep dog-paddling in sea of life. My parents are doing well. Mom has recovered from her surgeries and broken bones, and Dad is glad the boys are able to help with the yard work. Hopefully we'll keep progressing without any more drama, but into every life a little soap must sing . I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. They bring us such joy, and when we are unable to help them it's just heart-breaking. You and your family are in our prayers. Keep up the good work on your degree!


@marthaclanton We're doing ok. My sister retired earlier in the year which is so weird--she's only three years older than me and I cannot imagine retiring yet. Mom's good. The bad news is that one of our cats has lymphoma and there's nothing we can really do except make him comfortable. Man, I wouldn't go back to high school for any amount of money. Your son can be so proud of what he's accomplishing. I'm so sorry to hear about your younger son. I really hope the doctors get their act together soon and do something for him. :-( Glad that his school is working with him, though, that's a load off your mind. How are you handling it all? It's got to be so hard having to watch all this and not be able to fix it.