
@FeministGrrrl1001 OH MY GOD I AM FREAKINGGGGGG OUT!!! One of my favourite authors has followed me!!
          	I love Something Like Fate! I absolutely adored the first version but I can tell this one will just as amazing if not better! Aha this is the same account, just a name change :)


Hey all you lovely lovely people.
          So I know it's been such a long time since you've read any new material from me. So I'd love to give the excuse of work and university getting in the way (which it soooo is) but that'll be a lie. Truth is, last year I went through something that was truly heartbreaking. I lost someone I truly loved, and if I could have one wish it would be to bring my granddad back. I realised that during this past year I've done nothing but push people away and hide away within myself. I've had zero motivation to write, I love these stories and I love the characters in them. Writing is what I love, but for the past year I've felt more heartbreak than joy. But I aim to get back on track and update as much as possible. As soon as my exams are over expect many updates! (I hope) 
          A HUGEEEEEE thank you to all of you who've had the patience to put up with me and to still hold out for my stories. You're all so amazing and I hope I can live up to your expectations! 
          Love ya puddins