"I never got the chance to see you perform, he looked at me intensely "You have seen me perform Amara, your just in denial. I couldn't comprehend what he meant by I seen him perform, what do you mean? "Amara I know you seen me perform haven't you noticed how much it's been raining lately? Haven't you heard how intense the thunder has gotten? I scrunched my face in confusion, "Purple clouds and purple lightning" My heart stopped when he said that............ "Sweet Jesus, was all I could say. It came to me, I remember that afternoon I got caught in the rain I noticed the clouds had glimpse of purple and the lightning was a lavender color and when the rain started to pour something about it felt good, I started spinning in circles while listening to the song The Beautiful Ones, tears began to fall and I tried to hold in my emotions, "........ It was you, It really was...... "Amara, he said before I could finish my sentence, Even though I'm no longer on earth doesn't mean I'm not there, his amber eyes still locked with mine, his voice got deeper has he said, "I'm everywhere"
I'm working on my first story , hope you guys like the sample