Hello! Long time no see ^^ So, since people are asking about updates for "Legendary Team" and I forgot to announce it on the feed (I only added an author's note on the last chapter. My bad ), I will say it here as well. I had to discontinue the fic for various reasons. I had depression in 2017, which only got worse in 2019. Because of it, I no longer had the energy or the motivation to write. The years after weren't any better, hence I decided to add the new author's note back in 2022. Right now, I've been very busy with my new job and several projects, so I barely have the time to write fics again. I did plan on rewatching the entire Naruto series and try to continue "Legendary Team" someday, but as of now, I need to prioritize other things in my life. As always, thank you so much for reading my fics and for all the support! For all the lovely and encouraging comments and messages, and also for being very patient with me. I appreciate it so much. It really means a lot!
@HerPrettySmile it's been years and I just wanted to check in! I'm glad your alive and doing your best to move forward even when you were feeling really low. We waited this long, I just hope you enjoy the process of being creative again <3