Hi, my name is Alana, I am currently in the process of writing a book about a black couple that doesn't involve the ghetto and gangs and stuff. But I will say that my book does involve the mob and violence. But in no way shape or form is my book about black men being thugs. I wanted to make my story different from the usual black couple story on wattpad.
I totally agree with you about most black couple relationships being urban and ghetto. And sometimes degrading. I am a light skinned young lady and i get disgusted when it seems like for a black girl to be in a good story with "white people she has to be light skin and that is why most of my stories the main character is blessed with beautiful caramel are chocolate skin. I don't discriminate against color. Considering that if you saw my family you would see a melting pot of skin colors and ethnicities. I am very glad that you spoke out about this issue that seems to keep occurring.