Here is my story When I was in Kindergarten I had to take speech classes because I had talking problems which I kinda still do I stutter a lot and I barely finish my sentences. Throughout elementary I only had one true friend named Belle Yamauchi and she is still my best friend. In kindergarten Belle noticed I had no friends so she decided to befriend me and she was really my only friend trough out elementary. In 6th grade I was bullied by many people because I was different . In 7th grade I learned to talk back to the bullies and now I'm in 8th grade and I stand up for the kids that get bullied and I have a lot friends because of it but that's only because they all think I m brave which I'm not. I love all my friends and I earn friends almost everyday now. #Bulliesarejustyoubutmean #myinsperation My sister is my inspiration Stand up for everybody