Upload update:
Hi. It's been a few months. I didn't mean to just disappear like that, but a mix of personal drama, mental health stuff, burnout, and just starting a project on another site(for the 18+ interested, it's Slave For You on chyoa.com) this kinda goth shoved out of my mind.
With all that out of the way, I'm here to announce that I'll be coming back soon, just not in the way I was. For anyone who followed me a few months back, you might remember me making a post about updating and changing minor events in Leave it in the Past. I deleted that when I realized I just could not do it right then. Well, I'm doing that again, kinda.
Basically, I'll be posting chapters for multiple different entries in the series + updates to chapters of Leave it in the Past as I get them done. I'll probably still be putting a lot of attention into the chyoa project, since I have room for more creative freedom and to write smut for smut sake (I know I'm doing the LIITP one shot thing, but I don't want most of that to be porn)
I'll hopefully start backup here again by February or March, but we all know how me making promises goes by now...
Anyway, I'll see you all soon and get ready <3