You sent a death threat to my friend? Pfffft! Your the weakest cûnt I've ever seen. You do understand she's suicidal right. You must the thinking;
"Who ze fûck is this cancerous insider? Why does zis prick know what wus I was doing to Gravity?!"
Dumbasś you seriously thought blocking her was gonna fûcking do anything? She has friends ya shît. Unlike I dunno THE CÛNT OF THE UNIVERSE WHO'S USERNAME IS LITERALLY "A NOBODY"
Bîtch I'm gonna sound it out
You do realize people tolerate you right?
Your account is basically a nutshell of the common 11 year old fûcking around with a teenager and adult social media. On crack.
Let me sum it up
Wolves and dogs that talk
Warrior Series
Basic Creepypasta
And shall I go on? Yeah no. Ok let's stop for a minute and try to find a good part, a silver lining you might call it.
You stand as a inspiration for any other young rising cûnt, oh but there are pedophiles and serial killers who are able to put cûnt you out pretty well so let's put that off to the side
Oh well your pretty high in the levels of showing off
You sound like the white girl trash that makes herself to be a lifesaver and a social justice warrior
But you really are just a basic bîtch
And thats gonna conclude on why you should delete wattpad and everyone who knows you is wrong!