Hey everyone! So, firstly, I'd like to apologise for completely vanishing for over 2 weeks. I was planning to regularly update my 'Will You Save Me' book, but then I ended up taking a bit of a break. As a little update of what's been going on in my life in the last couple of weeks..
I graduated from high school a week ago exactly! I turned 18!!! I have just started intense dance training (I was dancing 4 days a week, but am now dancing 5 days a week).
So, as you can probably tell, a lot has happened lol.
I so badly wanted to continue updating my book, but I didn't have any ideas or inspiration, and I really didn't want to post chapters that I wasn't happy with. I was feeling burnt out, so I knew I needed to take a step back haha. and honestly, I really enjoyed the break. I've been doing quite a bit of hiking, have been spending lots of time with my boyfriend, and have just started painting, and I really love it! As much as I love writing, I have been trying to enjoy my free time, and I really want to make the most of my off days x
In saying that, I WILL be coming back to Wattpad, and I will be updating my book. I'll probably only update 1-2x a week though!
Thank you for your patience, and for being so understanding! ❤️
also I hit 3k subs on YouTube the day before my birthday, which is a huge deal for me!! i'm so happy with how far my channel has come!