
A new chapter updated!! Please go check it out! ❤️


Yes! I'm back! Nobody probably even remembers me or any of my stories, but I'm back, and am going to start writing again! I don't know how often I'll update, but I've got a new story idea brewing, and my creative juices are flowing!!
          I'll probably unpublish all of my stories that are part finished, or that no one has read, because I have OCD and need it to be organised/tidy lmao 


          People are going around messaging users on Wattpad and are claiming that they have read your books, and are huge fans of your works. They have then been asking users to check out their books, and often say something like "Username and myself have been working on a book that reached 1M reads in Horror Genre. Please let me send you some snippets of our 'tester' chapters to get your criticism." DO NOT REPLY TO THESE PEOPLE!!! They send you chapters of very sexually explicit things, and chapters that contain abuse, rape, and more. If you reply to them, they will send you links and get you to try to access sites that lead you to websites with gruesome and sexually explicit images and videos! Do NOT message these people! I have already had one of them message me, but I was warned by a friend beforehand, so I have not engaged with this person.
          How to identify them:
          They have no followers or books, and often only joined Wattpad a couple days/weeks prior to messaging you!
          Stay safe everyone! ♥️


@KissesforBryles Imagine tho if it was an actual normal person just looking for feedback


Hey everyone! ♥️ Recently I've been a real fan of old romance stories to do with relationships back in the 1800's, courtship, and scandals in olden society with relationships, and claims to Estates. I'd be keen to write a romance novel based around this, and I've actually already started writing a book about it, but I want your guys thoughts on it, as I'm known for only writing stories about Nochelle/Bryles and TNS lol. I don't want to publish this book if it'll be a flop xx


I'M BACK!!! I know I said I'd start updating again like 2 weeks ago, but right after saying that, I got really really busy with dance, and had some family stuff on.. But I'm back, and will be updating my stories! ♥️


I missed you too!!!!!! 


 Yay!!!!!!! I’ve missed you! 


Hey everyone! So, firstly, I'd like to apologise for completely vanishing for over 2 weeks. I was planning to regularly update my 'Will You Save Me' book, but then I ended up taking a bit of a break. As a little update of what's been going on in my life in the last couple of weeks..
          I graduated from high school a week ago exactly! I turned 18!!! I have just started intense dance training (I was dancing 4 days a week, but am now dancing 5 days a week).
          So, as you can probably tell, a lot has happened lol.
          I so badly wanted to continue updating my book, but I didn't have any ideas or inspiration, and I really didn't want to post chapters that I wasn't happy with. I was feeling burnt out, so I knew I needed to take a step back haha. and honestly, I really enjoyed the break. I've been doing quite a bit of hiking, have been spending lots of time with my boyfriend, and have just started painting, and I really love it! As much as I love writing, I have been trying to enjoy my free time, and I really want to make the most of my off days x
          In saying that, I WILL be coming back to Wattpad, and I will be updating my book. I'll probably only update 1-2x a week though!
          Thank you for your patience, and for being so understanding! ❤️
          also I hit 3k subs on YouTube the day before my birthday, which is a huge deal for me!! i'm so happy with how far my channel has come!


Omg congrats Mara!!! It’s totally fine you didn’t update i don’t update regularly AT ALL lol. ❤️❤️