Alright, so. Last night, I asked about y'all's thoughts on endogenic systems. I was curious, but there was also a bigger reason than pure curiosity. I wondered how accepted we would be.
We are an endogenic system. We came to that conclusion about a week ago, though signs of plurality have been around a good bit longer than that, I just tended to ignore them and brush them off because I didn't think there was a way I could be in a system when I couldn't remember anything in my past that would've formed it. Then I came across the term endogenic, which made me think, and it all started fitting together as I did more research.
The name we settled on for ourselves is Writerlight System, and collectively we use he/they/glim. We're 5 so far, and we actually have another account we made recently (@WritersInStarlight) that the headmates use more frequently, while I, Eevee, tend to use this one. Maybe I'll move all the stories here to the system account one day, I dunno, but for now this one still exists too.
Anyway,, y'all do with this information what you will. Big thanks to those of you who were so supportive on the last post and gave me the courage to properly come out <3
Me n Impulse are gonna go back to arguing over block palettes in Minecraft now shegk-