
Zamn guys I've come back from the dead, it's been like 6 months since I was last on here. What's new? Y'all might not remember me loll. I have not thought about Hermitcraft for like a year, but now I feel the strong urge to rewrite Daisies. No promises though :')


          	  Fandom feels a bit ded tbh, which is kinda demotivating, but there are some great writers getting into the fandom, too


          	  welcome back, i feel ya with like the "might not remember me" lmao
          	  only 1 or 2 off my og followers actually remember me even slightly
          	  i remember you tho


@Hermitdere32 welcome back!
          	  Not much has happened and i think most of Hermitpad is ether on hiatus or not in the fandom any more.....
          	  BUT ANYWAYS-


Zamn guys I've come back from the dead, it's been like 6 months since I was last on here. What's new? Y'all might not remember me loll. I have not thought about Hermitcraft for like a year, but now I feel the strong urge to rewrite Daisies. No promises though :')


            Fandom feels a bit ded tbh, which is kinda demotivating, but there are some great writers getting into the fandom, too


            welcome back, i feel ya with like the "might not remember me" lmao
            only 1 or 2 off my og followers actually remember me even slightly
            i remember you tho


@Hermitdere32 welcome back!
            Not much has happened and i think most of Hermitpad is ether on hiatus or not in the fandom any more.....
            BUT ANYWAYS-


Hey guys um wow it’s been a while lol uh so I’ve decided that I’m gonna continue Channel 5 News because no-one has adopted it. It’s still up for adoption until tomorrow (around like 20 hours time I guess). Also @ButterFlies77Writes and @Mutie5793 I don’t know if you still want the stories but I’ll still send you the original plans tomorrow I had for them of course you don’t need to use them at all I’m just sending them to give an idea of what I had planned. Also if you don’t want them anymore, then I’ll just tell the what’s-it-called… other people who wanted it I guess. Uh I hope your day was good whoever is reading this. My screen time is gonna end now so bye :)


Random questions: does anyone know when Luz Noceda's birthday is? And this is even more random, but there is this YT channel that makes OC videos/shorts called XrayAlphaCharlie and I was wondering... what MBTI are Ash (not the Pokémon guy -) and Z?
          Anyways, thanks for the birthday wishes!! :))


Today is my birthday :D
          Also the guy I liked likes someone else and I'm really sad but at least I didn't tell him that I like him haha :')


Hey guys. How was your day? :)
          So, as you can tell, I haven't been updating a lot on here. That's because I have no motivation for anything and I recently got locked out of my Discord which is solely used for Hermittpad servers and stuff. 
          I had fallen out of the Hermitcraft fandom not too long ago. But I continued to write. And recently I've found it hard to write books because I have lots of other fandoms that keep interrupting my thought process lol
          So I've made the choice to leave the Hermittpad fandom. I'll never forget any of you... you guys were some of the nicest people ever :D
          And yes, @HermittpadArchives, that means that I am resigning from my job :(( It was really fun being part of the team :] And sorry I had to do the leaving here... as I said, I was locked out of the Discord account I use for Hermittpad-related servers. 
          For all of you who actually like my books, don't worry, all my books will still be here... but then there's a problem. 
          I know it's really bad to leave a book hanging, and I have 3 WHOLE NEW BOOKS HANGING. So... I'm putting them up for adoption. Whoever comments first can get it. I'll just DM the person the basic plotline I had for the book and some additional stuff. 
          That'll be after I get my writing notebook back because I'm on holiday right now and it's at home :')
          Yeah, so basically, The Real Monsters (SCP Foundation AU), Channel 5 News (News Reporter AU) and Paper Roses are up for grabs! I'd prefer if one person only got one book and not all three or two, so please choose the one you would like most :D
          With that said, I'll still be on this account, reading random books unrelated to Hermitcraft and maybe occasionally commenting on announcements. Thank you all for these amazing memories :DD
          - Cassandra


@ButterFlies77Writes Thank you! It was amazing to know you too :) 
            And I'd be happy to give you Paper Roses :D


            Really sad to see you go! It was amazing to get to know you over Discord and stuff. I'm glad you'll still be here, even if not in the Hermittpad fandom!
            I can adopt Paper Roses
            I'm currently finishing my own book, but I can definitely work on it :D
            I like the theme and storyline you've got going.


@Redtiger0409 Thank you :)) I'll tell you if they don't get adopted in around a week. The Real Monsters (SCP Foundation AU) has already been adopted so it's just Channel 5 News (News Reporter AU) and Paper Roses left :)


Yo this gut in my class is the nicest person ever. We'll call him Avery. So I've been begging my friends to watch Hamilton because I have no theatre kid friends and I need someone to talk about musicals with otherwise I'll go mad (so don't throw away this thing we had -). 
          All my friends said no even though they have time, they just aren't bothered. Can't blame this girl we'll call Elizabeth because she has no time. 
          Anyways, Avery and I are just barely friends but he still watched Hamilyon because he's nice smwkwo1ihskqoq he's only up to Satisfied, but hey! It's progress! And we're actually friends now :))
          (His favourite character is Washingdad and his favourite song is You'll Be Back skskowpqlqo1m help lol we sang that at lunch way too much.)


            You’d like it up town, it’s quiet up town


@Hermitdere32 Okay as someone who wants to watch Hamilton all the way through since I've only seen bits and pieces. That is a good song.