
Hello everyone who reads this! It has been probably a year since I last logged onto this. I'm surprised I still have followers. But, now that school's basically over, I'll try to be more active on this. If you are reading this, you mind sending me a text? I want to truly see how many people have stayed on Wattpad. Also, I don't remember half of y'all and I want to figure out who you are.


Hello everyone who reads this! It has been probably a year since I last logged onto this. I'm surprised I still have followers. But, now that school's basically over, I'll try to be more active on this. If you are reading this, you mind sending me a text? I want to truly see how many people have stayed on Wattpad. Also, I don't remember half of y'all and I want to figure out who you are.


Well, school's out and that means I'm stuck in a house that blocks Wattpad. So, I'm leaving until school starts back up again which for me is August 26. Bye guys. You lucky "Smiling stingray" :)


@TheSmilingStingray you lucky I won't stalk you anymore :) told you I would send that


Hey northern hemisphere! You know what today is? It's the first day of Spring! Should be getting warmer from here on out. 
          Today's something else too. I'm officially one year older. Yay me. If you ain't having a great day, then make it one dang it! Everyone deserves to have a great day on my birthday.


So, looking at random profiles and seeing how many books people have written made me realize something. I'm a procrastinator just like my brother! And my mom said I was better at getting things done. Looks like she was wrong. Again


Oh, by the way, that's what I do. I don't write that often. I'm mostly looking at other profiles.