Hi. It's me, Hero. Sorry for this sudden message, but...for those of you who haven't forgotten me, I apologize for ghosting you for over a year now. It's been kind of hard to keep track of things at this age. I know that when I first started this account, I was just a cringy little kid who wouldn't stop whining about all the problems in the world. It's kind of embarrassing now that I look back at it. XD I've lost interest in writing stories for Pokemon. The main reason being that...I just, no longer enjoy exclusive Pokemon shippings or stories, or the like. Sure, I may have liked then as a kid, but it's different now. I apologize to everyone, if any, who have never given up hope to this day, hoping that I would return one day and continue writing. I'm truly sorry, but these days...I'm just not the same person anymore. Especially with the current events in quarantine and such. It's kind of hard to stay sane after not being out of your house for over a month. But, somehow, I've been managing. I hope you all are staying safe and happy. Dark days are among us. Thank you so much for the last few years. I truly enjoyed them. Seriously, writing The Tale of a Hero has been a huge accomplishment in my life, and it really impacted my love for stories as a whole. We've had some ups and downs during our time together, but it's time to say goodbye. I won't disappear from Wattpad completely, as I still do enjoy reading fanfics and other stories, but as of today, this account will officially remain inactive forever. Only memories will remain. In the meantime, if you do wish to continue following me, I do have a Discord account. It's Hero#7812. I don't do anything special on Discord, I only have it as a means of talking to my friends. Still, if you wish, you can follow me there. I'll miss y'all. Keep writing, keep being happy, and most importantly, never let life bring you down. Live how you want to. Until we meet again, friends. Peace. ^D ~Hero, 2020.

@HeroGreninja11 your stories have inspired us all. Because of you and Snow(the author of heart beats) I grew a passion to write. I may not be good, but thanks to you, you have and inspired me and countless others. Thank you, and godspeed my friend, I tip my hat to you.

@HeroGreninja11 the stories you made were great, dont worry... Please stay safe and happy UwU