
Hey, thank you so much for reading over that story and offering so much incredible insight into all the truths of autism and your own experiences. I made that chapter to spread awareness (seeing as it is Autism Awareness Month) and I think your own experiences will help people understand it even better. I learned even more from your stories, and I am thankful I did.
          Thank you for following me and for sharing your experiences. I really do appreciate you.


No problem here too! I am always happy to help. If you got any questions for an possible continuation (I think you mentioned you had fun writing it and thought about a part two) then you can reach out to me. 
            I won’t bite! ;)


Hey there dude!
           Thanks a lot for vote and comment my story, I hope you're enjoying it so far :D!


@ HeroJani  That's great to hear!
             I'm currently trying to correct all those small mistakes that I made during my writing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to your support!


@JustDual I am! I like your writing style, even if I noticed some typos or misuse of tenses/ words. But that isn’t really important for me! It’s more important that I enjoy a story that I am reading.


Meow~ I see trace of you everywhere~


It depends, it is by far not an historical anime. But it is good with a few Easter eggs like the Yamato hotel. Gave me quite a few laughs before.


Lemme check that story out. Also, is Kantai collection a good anime?


@DragonicParagon have actually never watched demon slayer 
            What I also like is „A new force for good“(I think it is called so) , its a Kantai Collection fanfic but with a kind of continuation to the anime. No frequent updates but still in the works. Have found Wattpad because of this story. The author is really friendly and helps if you don’t understand some words or definitions, he has engaged in Discord conversations with me too already because I seem one of the most frequent readers of his book. I actually should sort my library here which can also be good for you.