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Yall someone legit tried to break into my house. It was like, 4:00 AM (still haven't slept :D...) and I hear someone trying to unlock the door. At first I thought it was my sister coming back from work, but the lock ratting happened for too long and in the end no one opened the door. After a couple seconds I when to check (basic bitch move if you ask me) the window we have and no one was there. Then I heard noises in my backyard :D. I was like, "fuck no♥︎" texted my sister to ask what I should do and she told me to grad a throwable weapon. I said okay and grabbed her almost finished candle and a big ass kitchen knife. I was calm, ready, a frickin hyped to stab someone in the kneecaps to make them immobile. Lucky they gave up and left :). But hoo damn, scary shit