makes out of it is even better. A prequel to the Lord of the rings, it is just incredible. It's extrealy hard to put how amazing this story is, from the friendships to the adventure to the side stories that we don't even hear about, it's incredible... I can not do justice to this amazing person and world but trust me. This is a book I wish every single person could read. This would be the book. Trust me. Read it. It will be worth it...
7: 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher - This book is amazingly well done. A little shy of 300 pages, 13 reasons is nothing like the show. Yes, It has the same plot point and message but the style is so different, jay listens to the tapes in a single night. It's solely though his point of view. It's not all these tortured soules that did awful things trying to keep secrets etc. Alex is mentioned maybe twice. We see more of the actual story. The thoughts in Jays' mind. We barely see the world around him as he listens on his walkman at night but instead, the world that hannah narrates. Even if you've watched the show, I recommend reading this. It's powerful, much more gripping that the show, and actually gets the message across. Not just a glorified suicide warning show. It's real. It's there. It's bold. And it's to the point. The fact that he came up with the idea and then scraped it at some point ( I think) before deciding to finish it makes it even better in my mind for some reason. Whatever you want to do, I would recommend reading this. It's an important book, especially in today's socient where we, truthfully, have no idea what's happening outside of us. Not really. It's a dark story and that's it. But it's a cautionary tale that was created by a brilliant mind who had the balls to write, publish, and later let it become a Netlif show. Would 1000/10 recommend this book. It's a lot but it's a must read