
I have noticed that my comments have gone down a LOT. So, I just have one request for you guys that actually read my BOO fanfic, PLEASE comment. It is really interesting and I love reading them. Plus, they give me a lot of inspiration and want to keep on writing because it feels like a sense of accomplishment to know that you entertain people and people are excited to hear from you. So, please comment. THANK YOU!


I'm Indian too. That racist girl is (Wattpad has deleted this because of its offensive content). Indians rule. BTW, SRK or Salman Khan?


You're right. Right now it's Deepika and Alia.


SRK, he is a  better actor, but now neither  are very good


I have noticed that my comments have gone down a LOT. So, I just have one request for you guys that actually read my BOO fanfic, PLEASE comment. It is really interesting and I love reading them. Plus, they give me a lot of inspiration and want to keep on writing because it feels like a sense of accomplishment to know that you entertain people and people are excited to hear from you. So, please comment. THANK YOU!


I don't understand why everyone thinks Percy and Annabeth are so broken after Tartarus. They actually got off pretty fine. Despite all the death and horror they saw, they survived. They had something to eat and drink, and they even had help from two extremely powerful beings. I understand the loss of Bob and Damasen, but they still got off okay. 
          Nico, on the other hand, went through it alone, probably never drank from the Phlegathon because he had the pomegranate seeds, and he didn't have anyone but himself. He probably had a little control over the spirits. Also, even as he was getting out, he got captured. Plus, Percy and Annabeth are about 17, and seen a whole lot more, Nico is 14 (minus the Lotus years.) Imagine how difficult it must have been. 
          See, when Percy and Annabeth are finally ready to talk about Tartarus, and everyone is comforting them; imagine Nico's dilemma, he went through worse and nobody is nearly as worried about him. I feel sorry for Nico. Any and all fanfics I will write in the future will focus on Nico's pain more than the others.


Plus the fact that the scariest thing there is Percy. If he was at full strength, Tartarus would be scared of HIM


You're right. It breaks my heart to see people portray them as weak and broken. They're strong. The fact that they survived Tartarus shows that!


In the first great prophecy in PJO, it said, "A child of the Eldest Gods,"
          Well, technically, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera were born first, but they were vomited out last. So the eldest gods just goes by who were the two gods that got vomited first plus Zeus.


Well a Half-Blood really, so since Hestia and Hera are both maidens, then Katie or Miranda Gardner, or any Demeter kid should have been the child of the prophecy.


I just realized: If the Percy Jackson crew were a SHIELD super hero team, they would be known as the Heroes of Olympus. 
          Percy would be Wave,
          Annabeth would be Owl GIrl or Lady Wisdom
          Leo would be Forgefire (like Forge+Fire)
          Hazel would be either Jewel or  Enchantress
          Frank would be _____________ (Please tell me a good name, Morph maybe)
          Jason would be: Shock
          and Piper would be: Charm


My account has gotten a crazy amount of followers. I never actually thought about it getting so high, but I have noticed that the people I am following are waaay lower than my followers. More than double actually.
          I don't want to be rude, but I will only follow people whose stories I like to read. I am not saying the people who I don't follow are bad authors or anything, it is just my personal opinion on you guys' works of literature. 
          Another thing, people who followed me just to get a cheap follow back. Please, un-follow me as soon as you get this. 
          I love that you guys like to read my stories, and I am sure if I sat down and read every single person's stories, I would enjoy a large majority of them. You guys are the main reason I keep writing. I know progress for all of my stories is VERY delayed, but please keep in mind that school is always first on my list then everything else. Thank you!!!!!


1) First person to discover gravity was not Newton, no, it was an Indian
          2) First people find a method of telling time
          3) First people to wear and weave silk
          4) They had several empires, spreading out all the way near Russia. All the "-istan"s are of Indian origin. 
          How many more do you want me to list?
          Also, Epsilon is NOT the same thing as pi. It has a different value and a different use.