Today during a lecture at university I happened to notice, by chance, that the girl seated in front of me had several scars on her wrist which, noticing they were exposed, she quickly covered. She did not seem to catch on that i had saw them, and as a friend beside her spoke to her, she kept a strong smile upon her face.
By the time the lecture had come to an end i tore a small piece of paper from notebook, quickly scribbled a message and passed it to her stating that she "dropped something". Before i could see her reaction to the message i left the lecture hall.
The scarp of paper i gave this girl simply said "I CARE".
I do not know this girl in any way, shape or form but I hope you all join me in believing that something as small and seemingly insignificant as this random act of kindness will have brightened up this girl's life by just knowing a stranger who just happens to share the same lecture as her cares enough about her.
And so i also hope that you all join me in sharing in this random act of kindness by letting a stranger know that you care for them. Whether you happen to know if they self harm or not, or if they are depressed or not, or whatever trials and tribulations they may be facing in their life to cause them stress or despair, help them get through it by passing on that one simply message...