
ww idk anymore


hey it's been a while
          ten days
          and a bit more than that since my last writing update but
          have a short snippet of a short story i wrote
          i might upload it
          "Death keeps records; Life holds memories. She cradles them in nimble fingers, and they are like the last of the leaves left on a tree at the cusp of autumn; ripening and all too ready to fall away, rot, become nothing."


yoooooooooo ok i'm here it's been like what. 2 days. woow you probably all missed me like Heck
          here's a short thingy from the incoming chapter, i wrote it as a half-hearted joke at first because i wasn't sure how to flesh out the new characters (hell, every character is new at this point) but oh my god. here we go.
          ‘Uh, you know, the thing where you go nyoom and you see something else, or when you touch water but it doesn’t ripple. I think there is one more power which you have yet to— oops.’
          'She saw their eyes, with yellow slit pupils and dark irises, and pale yellow sclera, and saw her own distorted reflection winking back at her, startlingly clear. And as they stepped closer, she looked down, and saw their dark wings tumbling from their back, and noticed that they were not very tall, and they looked younger than her but their eyes betrayed their true age.'
          goddamn i love my ocs. sorry. gonna hit it now, have fun <3


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hey again, started writing again which is kind of f vci kign ama z i n g since a) ITS LIKE THE START OF THE EXAM PERIOD FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
          b) it's been months, and years since i've written more than a prologue of anything
          but the yonastri duo make me really want to write more. so i will. only when i can (procrastination is a sin haha im going to hell)
          i will not include any swearing or cursing in my story, i decided that just now. even though i have weird urges to put in swears, i cant because i dont even like swearing (i do it too much)
          ya just a weird status update. will work on some pictures of the yonastri duo, kny and fissure!! (who's fissure? shit, i forgot i haven't introduced them yet. haha Lol Rip Spoilers.)
          but their name is a farfetched pun, and no-one will get it. well, good luck, at any rate.
          ty for sticking around. seeya


short few words, from the story of the stars:
          "and then, she was seeing things: she saw a girl, standing on a hill, surrounded by houses and a circle of hands bleeding dark and teal, and she looked closer and held her breath as she saw the sunlight reflecting off her eyes like a liquid illusion and a little puff as she exhaled, the frosted morning air clinging to her skin. and she felt her own eyes widen and she wanted to get closer to her, but she couldn't."
          the story is about my ocs, obviously. thanks to A Certain Friend Whom I Won't Namedrop But Will Probably See This Post At Some Point (haha) since she kind of indirectly influenced me to create these two characters of teal and red, and lime and violet.
          see y'all later i guess :-)


this is so lame, replying to my own update but i just wanted to say! i am very happy to have some writing vibes back, and it's all because of this piece: http://archiveofourown.org/works/375436?view_full_work=true so please read it if you have time! it is well written and the characters are fleshed out well, so it should be good even if you are not into homestuck :-) (M warning though)
            it takes a good piece of writing to make me feel like thinking about my stories :')
            also if you have time, watch this super short (too short) video because it's a good ending to the comic that started 7 years ago, even though the video itself is like 3 years old.
            the music is good too (can you hear my tears)
            i don't even know why i have followers on here anymore i dont do anything??like ever?? i guess half of you are my friends anyway, but who are the other random people oml


i'm sorry i will seriously never forgive anyone who uses another artist's art as part of their story covers without permission, especially if it's edited and it's even worse if it's fanart of a character i'm really mad right now since it's everywhere
          i saw a knb fic and the cover is edited with the knb dude and a picture of ayano ??? what the heck don't desecrate my fave that's disgusting and it's edited too
          i checked out some of the chapters and it has more than 200k reads i hate this website
          each chapter has a different pic of ayano and it's edited and cropped and ew ew ew i feel like dying it's so bad it's horrendous................................................. seriously if you do this stop now thanks


GONNA TRY TO WRITE A LITTLE BIT TONIGHT!!! and scribble something for a cover too
          i might try to squash together a written form of my ocs' stories???? IDK
          anyways yes
          also happy birthday lia idk if you'll see this but YEAH
          you're the same age as me when i first talked to you -7-)///