Thank you for taking the time to read Water in a Time of Thirst and voting. I appreciate it a lot :)

@Hexlore Hey. I stopped by to thank you for continuing to read Water in a Time of Thirst and saw that I missed your last message. You've brought up a lot of great points! Honestly, when I first started writing this story, Corbin was supposed to be the main focus but then things accidentally shifted and Everleigh just kind of took over (damn her, lol). When I finally go back and make edits, I'll keep your comment in mind because I do feel like I lost Corbin along the way and I agree that out of everyone, he's the only one who hasn't gone dark. I think he deserves a bigger spotlight :)

Thanks! I honestly think this book is good enough to be published. I think it’s amazing. The only suggestion I’d make is that Corbin and his abilities are not prominent enough. I think there needs to be more about how he can use his powers and why he has to keep it a secret. Of all the characters he’s the one I rooted for through the story. All the other characters have made darker and darker choices and I kind of stopped caring about what happens to them because of it but Corbin has been the hero throughout it all. Just a suggestion. The book is already fantastic. I’m excited to see how it ends. PS it’s Sunday. I’m from Canada.

@Hexlore That's so good to hear! So happy that you're enjoying it. I started writing the story around 3.5 years ago so it's been a slow process to complete it but little by little I'm getting there. There are certain things that I'd like to change around or edit out and it's going to be a lot of work but I figure I'll tackle all of that once I'm finally done writing the story. Enjoy your Sunday (or Monday, depending on where you live) :)